Anesthesia Society Corner

Mark Your Calendars! Our Anesthesia Society Zoom Calls are taking flight.  We have had some great speakers and conversations on these calls, don’t miss out.

Recent Zoom Call Topics were:

  • Lindsey Schoelen, LVMT –  Green as Grass Equine Anesthesia
  • Travis Otremba, LVT –  Constant Rate Infusion, (CRI’s)

More to come:

  • June 30th, 7:30pm est, Wendy Hirsch, LVT –  Field Anesthesia Prep
  • July 9th,  11:00am est, Sharon Scheiltz, RVT – Your Monitor Died, Now What?
  • July 28th, 8:00pm est, Jessica Balaam, RVT,LVT,C.E.R.T. – Foal Anesthesia

Watch your Saturday Tid Bits for Zoom invites to the upcoming events, they can also be found through the resources button on the Anesthesia Society webpage. If you have missed any of the above calls, they are being recorded and posted to the website in the Anesthesia Society blog section.

Look forward to seeing you Zoom!