Announcing new 2019 Executive Board members

We are so excited to welcome two new additions to our AAEVT Executive Board Team! They will bring some great perspectives and help us move this Association forward! Please welcome…

Nicole Bone – 2019 President Elect
Nicole is a 2006 graduate of Michigan State University with abachelor of science in Veterinary Technology.After graduation, she was hired as an anesthesia technician for Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital (Lexington, KY) and performed those duties for 4 years until receiving a promotion into my current role as the Surgery and Anesthesia Supervisor. She feels extremely fortunate to work with the individuals at this facility for the past 12years.
She has aided the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission over the past 5 years with pre-race blood draws for drug testing as well as helped as a track anesthetist for the equine ambulance of the Kentucky Oaks and Derby. When not working her tail off in the spring and summer, she has also helped in a study abroad program called Loop Abroad to help anesthetize small animals for spay and neuter clinics in Thailand. She has also been fortunate enough to be a founding member of our AAEVT’s own Anesthesia Society! She really feels that equine anesthesia is a severely underserved market and so much can be done to improve the quality of our anesthesia across the country as well as give technicians the tools and skills they need to be the best anesthetists they can be!

Laura Kestner – 2019 Vice President
Laura is the Practice Manager of Rood and Riddle EquineHospital in Saratoga Springs, NY.Her professional background is in Human Resources and Talent Development. She’s been an adjunct professor at the community college level for the past 7 years in the Business and IT departments and has extensive experience as a Leadership Trainer for Sprint PCS and Walmart. In those positions she helped develop management strategies to support high performing teams and new managers. Her infatuation with horses began as a PE credit in college and they have been in her life ever since.  She spends her leisure time riding her horse Elmo and holding Marco the pony for her son at local horse shows.  Laura is eager to bring her passion for developing people to AAEVT and looks forward to an exciting year.