Case Studies for AAEP

Members of the AAEVT are invited to submit Case Studies for consideration for presentation during the AAEVT Annual Convention in San Diego, CA this year.

Have you had an unusual case that you would like to share?  This is a great opportunity to be able to present to your peers.

If you are unsure about presenting, please reach out to  We have others that have participated and will be happy to share their experiences and lend a hand.

Deadlines are:

  1. Letters of Intent must be submitted to the AAEVT President-Elect, by  June 15
    This Letter should also include both a Summary and an Outline of the proposed case study.
  2. A review of your Letter of Intent (and Summary & Outline) will be carried out by the AAEVT Executive Board.
    You will be notified by June 30, if your case study has been considered for presentation at the Annual Convention.
  3. A Rough Draft of your case study presentation must be submitted to the AAEVT President-Elect by July 1.
  4. The Final Letter of Acceptance for those participants who have had their papers selected for presentation will go out on July 15.
  5. Deadline for submitting final Case Study for presentation & publication is October 1.