Disease Du Jour: a podcast for equine veterinarians, vet techs, students and professionals

EquiManagement has launched Disease Du Jour, where they delve into the research and current best practices for a variety of equine health problems with industry experts.

The first episode featured Dr. Steve Reed on equine herpesvirus.
“Our guest this week is Steve Reed, DVM, DACVIM, of Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky. In our conversation, we talk about equine herpesvirus and what veterinarians should know to recognize, prevent and treat this problem.”

The new episode features Dr. Tom Riddle on breeding season procedures in mares.
“In this episode of Disease DuJour, we chat with Dr. Tom Riddle, founding partner of Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital, all about breeding season procedures. We discuss the management of barren mares, pregnancy and cysts, determining a healthy cervix, and more.”

These are FREE podcasts that can be downloaded or listened to online!

Learn more HERE