Elevate Your Equine Veterinary Career with AAEVT’s Career Center


Ready to take your equine veterinary career to new heights? AAEVT’s Career Center is your launchpad to success! Our comprehensive job seeker resources, including valuable resume writing tips and interview advice, will empower you to shine in the competitive job market. Create your free account at https://careers.aaevt.org/ and gain access to exclusive opportunities that will shape your professional journey. Don’t settle for anything less than extraordinary!


I updated my resume on the new AAEVT Career Center and I was pleasantly surprised by the outcome! I had four emails from potential jobs within the first week, then another 3 the following week. I took the time to speak with each of them and they were all legit opportunities. I was very impressed on how the AAEVTs Career Center shared my resume with other sources like indeed. It was also super easy to navigate and upload everything. I highly recommend it if you are looking for new employment opportunities.”

– Anonymous member