Equine abuse and neglect resources available

“To protect the health and welfare of the horse” is one of the AAEP’s most important pursuits. Guided by the Welfare & Public Policy Advisory Council, the AAEP’s efforts include the development of guidelines that help veterinarians and the equine industry implement appropriate standards of humane care for the horse.

The association and its members also provide direct benevolent assistance to horses and charitable groups, including rescue and retirement facilities, international aid projects and emergency relief during natural disasters. Key industry initiatives, such as the Unwanted Horse Coalition and the Racing Medication & Testing Consortium, were formed from the AAEP’s sponsorship and commitment to equine welfare and practices in the best interest of the horse.

Equine Abuse, Neglect and Abandonment Resources
Prepared by the Equine Abuse & Neglect Subcommittee of the WPPAC, the following resources have been compiled to empower veterinarians to address and prevent law enforcement checkequine abuse and neglect. The AAEP encourages its members to proactively establish a relationship with local law enforcement to prevent equine neglect and abuse in your communities and form a strong team when faced with a case.

The Subcommittee is now offering a mentoring service to veterinarians who need guidance when involved in an abuse or neglect case. To request to be connected to a member of the group, please first contact Sally Baker, AAEP staff liaison, at sbaker@aaep.org or (859) 233-0147.

Find all the resources from AAEP HERE