Maybe That Lameness is All in the Horse’s Head

Maybe That Lameness is All in the Horse’s Head

Marie Rosenthal, MS

Modern Equine Vet, Volume 13, Issue 8, 2023

“This is not your classic lameness with the head bobbiness,” he said, “and we may end up opening a can of worms as we get into this.”  However the work of he and his colleagues point to a link between TMJ inflammation and lameness.

He being James L. Carmalt, Ma, VetMB, MVetSc, PhD, FRCVS, DAVBP (Eq), DAVDC (Eq), DACVSMR (Eq), DACVS, a Professor of Equine Surgery, Dentistry, Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation, in the Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan.

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