Mid-Year Board Update

Last weekend your AAEVT Board held their mid-year meeting.  Below are highlights of what they have been working on.

Theme for the Year:  Engagement!

  • We have partnered with a company called Naylor to enhance our Career Opportunity Website.  This should be up and running by mid-August.  Be on the lookout for a brand new look and feel with many more options.
  • We have partnered with a company called Pheedloop to manage virtual components to our meetings.  This will roll out at the AAEP this year with a small number of lectures being offered virtually.
  • Discussion on Vet Tech/Assistant/Office Staff Month.  As you know, we believe in honoring the whole staff in the month of October.  Several great ideas are on the table…be on the lookout!
  • Our Annual Convention at the AAEP is coming in November this year.  This meeting takes a lot of preparation and plans are well underway for San Antonio!  Start making your plans to attend soon, your Board has developed a great meeting for you!
  • The interactive Zoom calls are being hosted by your Board and they have had some great success.  It is wonderful to have the engagement from all of our members that are able to attend them.
  • AAEVT has been in discussion with NCAEP, Emergency Response Team to collaborate with them.  Stay tuned for more information.
  • Discussion has taken place about needing to target more of our meetings to our Ambulatory Members out there.  We are an organization for all and want to be relevant to all.