Mid-year Executive Board meeting recap

The AAEVT Executive Board met in Lexington prior to the Anesthesia Society event to discuss action plans, events and goals for the remainder of 2018 and into 2019. Katie gave us a mid-year Financial overview, which showed, due to our diligence, that we are in good shape! We also brainstormed around our membership numbers, our benefits, how to reach more equine staff and offer relevant value.

We reviewed our Mission statement again and discussed how our focus may be more in the realm of community vs continuing education. We are an Association for like minded individuals working in the equine practice who can come together and network, share ideas, learn and hone their skills, and stay up to date on – not only medical and industry information – but information that enhances their careers.

We brainstormed on how we can utilize and include our Regional Contacts more and ideas on how to offer more specialized regional/CE events, such as: Diagnostic Imaging, Rehabilitation, Other Modalities, and HR and Career Building. On Friday we met with the Executive Director of the AAEP, David Foley, and shared our ideas and discussed how the two Associations could work together to benefit our members.

All in all, a very productive mid-year meeting! Look for new things to come your way!