Peer Article: Equine Multinodular Pulmonary Fibrosis       

Technician Stephanie L. Wertman discusses what she leaned caring for a mare with equine multinodular pulmonary fibrosis.

A 22-year-old Quarter horse mare presented to the Texas A&M (TAMU) Veterinary Teaching Hospital Equine Internal Medicine Service for a complaint of ongoing tachypnea and mild, intermittent signs of colic.

The mare had been evaluated at the farm a week prior for a one-week history of bilateral nasal discharge and possible colic. The owner had administered 500 mg of Banamine (route unknown) prior to arrival of the TAMU Field Service clinicians. The mare was initially in sternal recumbency and colic was suspected.

Abnormal vital parameters included mild tachycardia, tachypnea and a temperature of 98.8° F. The mare was sedated with IV xylazine to facilitate nasogastric intubation. No net reflux was obtained and 1 L of mineral oil and 4 L of electrolyte water were administered through a nasogastric tube. A rectal palpation revealed mild-to-moderate gas distention of the right dorsal colon and hard fecal balls in the small colon. Over the next several days, the mare had intermittent tachycardia, tachypnea, inappetence and remained in sternal recumbency for prolonged periods.

Upon presentation to the hospital, the mare appeared bright, alert and responsive. I observed tachypnea of approximately 40 breathes/min; however, she did not appear to be in respiratory distress. Her mucous membranes were pale pink and tacky, and capillary refill time was 2 seconds. No abdominal effort or nostril flare were appreciated