Purina Conference Recap

by Andrea Whittle, AAEVT President

What a weekend! The 2022 Purina Equine Veterinary Conference was held this past weekend in St. Louis, MO and it was packed with lectures from their dedicated equine Ph.D. nutritionists, talks from Dr. Macpherson, wonderful food, great hospitality and, most importantly, the chance to hang out with a Budweiser Clydesdale!


Andrea Whittle, Amanda Compton and Kiley Williams showcased our AAEVT Booth at the Purina Conference last week.

We had over 70 AAEVT members in attendance! Hopefully we were able to say hi to as many of you as possible. If you were there, THANK YOU for stopping by the booth and sharing your stories with us.

I came back to my clinic with the newest Purina weigh tapes, based on data to increase them to 2000lb, some great new ideas for post tie-up and PSSM patients, a commitment to further help with their Microbiome study and an overall feeling of support from the entire Purina team as we always strive to better serve our patients.