East Coast Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery Resources

AAEP: Emergency Preparedness: Being Prepared During Times of Disaster

In the event of a disaster, your veterinarian knows how important it is for you as a horse owner to have pre-planned actions and proper information to make rapid decisions that may save your horse’s and even your own life.

East Coast Evacuation Livestock Transport, Housing and Volunteers

A list of livestock evacuation sites, transportation services, volunteers, etc.
[This list is owned by Eliza LaLuna. No due diligence has been done to verify sources on this list. It is up to the individual requiring help to perform due diligence and negotiate fees.]

NEED: National Equine Evacuation Directory

Connecting equine victims of natural disasters with the help they need!

SC Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery Resources:

Charlotte Krugler, DVM, MPH, DACVPM
Emergency Preparedness Veterinarian

ABOUT Emergency Preparedness, Response and RecoveryThis link provides a brief description of CULPH’s emergency-related roles.

State ESF-17 Plan: 
This link will take you to the Emergency Support Function (ESF)-17 Animal/Agriculture Plan in the South Carolina Emergency Operations Plan.

South Carolina Emergency Management Division:  Find information here about all of the South Carolina Emergency Management Division (SCEMD) state emergency plans.

Foreign Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Plan (FAD PReP) Collaboration Site: FAD PReP is a collaborative site managed by USDA APHIS where all foreign animal disease (FAD) materials and references can be found.

Business Continuity for Agriculture / Secure Food Supply Plans: Click here to read about several Secure Food Supply Plans that are in place or under development. Implementation of these plans will help ensure that critical agricultural industries will stay viable and be able to market commodities and products in the event of a foreign animal disease.

Emergency Animal Shelter Guidance for County Planners