Tech Tip:

Thank you to Carrie Cramer, RVT from 
We had a case last year involving a Somali Wild Ass that needed some intensive dental work.  We worked with a consulting veterinarian who wanted the patient’s oral cavity free of an endotracheal tube, so he had more space to work in.  We used a standard 16mm tube for nasotracheal intubation.  When the animal was extubated, the nasal passage bled for an extended period of time.  This was our impetus for searching for a tube suited for this purpose.
We decided to use MILA Large Animal Silicone Cuffed Endotracheal tubes in 12 and 14mm.  They are custom made, specifically for nasotracheal intubation in equids.  Of course, you can use these tubes for orotracheal  intubation of any animal that would benefit.  The tubes are much longer than your standard 12 and 14mm tubes.  We’ve already successfully used these for orotracheal intubation in oryx procedures as well.