VMX Conference Recap

The NAVC opened the doors to its 40th anniversary VMX on January 14 in Orlando, FL. Attendees found themselves immersed in 1980’s nostalgia complete with a pop culture theme, events, entertainment and historically-low, throwback registration pricing of $125.

While the outside weather was not warm, the convention center was–and all were very welcoming.  This meeting has been predominantly companion animal in the past, but they offered an equine track this year with a strong attendance by equine technicians, assistants & students.  The AAEVT had a booth at this meeting this year and we made some great connections with some AAEVT members and soon-to-be AAEVT members as well.

As the pictures show ….we did have an equine presence in the trade show.  It might be worthwhile to keep this meeting on your radar in the future!